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LITTLE BO-PEEP Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep, And can't tell where to find them; Leave them alone, and they'll come home, And bring their tails behind them. Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep, And dreamt she heard them bleating; But when she awoke, she found it a joke, For still they all were fleeting. Then up she took her little crook, Determined for to find them; She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed, For they'd left all their tails behind 'em! It happened one day, as Bo-peep did stray Unto a meadow hard by-- There she espied their tails, side by side, All hung on a tree to dry. She heaved a sigh and wiped her eye, And over the hillocks she raced; And tried what she could, as a shepherdess should, That each tail should be properly placed. | LITTLE BOY BLUE Little Boy Blue, come, blow your horn! The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. Where's the little boy that looks after the sheep? Under the haystack, fast asleep! |
A MAN AND A MAID There was a little man, Who wooed a little maid, And he said, "Little maid, will you wed, wed, wed? I have little more to say, So will you, yea or nay, For least said is soonest mended-ded, ded, ded." The little maid replied, "Should I be your little bride, Pray what must we have for to eat, eat, eat? Will the flame that you're so rich in Light a fire in the kitchen? Or the little god of love turn the spit, spit, spit?" HERE GOES MY LORD Here goes my lord A trot, a trot, a trot, a trot, Here goes my lady A canter, a canter, a canter, a canter! Here goes my young master Jockey-hitch, jockey-hitch, jockey-hitch, jockey-hitch! Here goes my young miss An amble, an amble, an amble, an amble! The footman lags behind to tipple ale and wine, And goes gallop, a gallop, a gallop, to make up his time. |
HANDY PANDY Handy Pandy, Jack-a-dandy, Loves plum cake and sugar candy. He bought some at a grocer's shop, And out he came, hop, hop, hop! |
![]() BOBBY SNOOKS Little Bobby Snooks was fond of his books, And loved by his usher and master; But naughty Jack Spry, he got a black eye, And carries his nose in a plaster. |
MYSELF As I walked by myself, And talked to myself, Myself said unto me: "Look to thyself, Take care of thyself, For nobody cares for thee." I answered myself, And said to myself In the selfsame repartee: "Look to thyself, Or not look to thyself, The selfsame thing will be." |
THE MAN WHO HAD NAUGHT There was a man and he had naught, And robbers came to rob him; He crept up to the chimney pot, And then they thought they had him. But he got down on t'other side, And then they could not find him; He ran fourteen miles in fifteen days, And never looked behind him. THE TAILORS AND THE SNAIL Four and Twenty tailors Went to kill a snail; The best man among them Durst not touch her tail; She put out her horns Like a little Kyloe cow. Run, tailors, run, or She'll kill you all e'en now. AROUND THE GREEN GRAVEL Around the green gravel the grass grows green, And all the pretty maids are plain to be seen; Wash them with milk, and clothe them with silk, And write their names with a pen and ink. | INTERY, MINTERY Intery, mintery, cutery corn, Apple seed and apple thorn; Wire, brier, limber-lock, Five geese in a flock, Sit and sing by a spring, O-u-t, and in again. |
PUSSY-CAT AND THE DUMPLINGS Pussy-cat ate the dumplings, the dumplings, Pussy-cat ate the dumplings. Mamma stood by, and cried, "Oh, fie! Why did you eat the dumplings?" | DANCE, THUMBKIN DANCE Dance, Thumbkin, dance; (keep the thumb in motion Dance, ye merrymen, everyone. (all the fingers in motion For Thumbkin, he can dance alone, (the thumb alone moving Thumbkin, he can dance alone. (the thumb alone moving Dance, Foreman, dance, (the first finger moving Dance, ye merrymen, everyone. (all moving But Foreman, he can dance alone, (the first finger moving Foreman, he can dance alone. (the first finger moving Dance, Longman, dance, (the second finger moving Dance, ye merrymen, everyone. (all moving For Longman, he can dance alone, (the second finger moving Longman, he can dance alone. (the second finger moving Dance, Ringman, dance, (the third finger moving Dance, ye merrymen, dance. (all moving But Ringman cannot dance alone, (the third finger moving Ringman, he cannot dance alone. (the third finger moving Dance, Littleman, dance, (the fourth finger moving Dance, ye merrymen, dance. (all moving But Littleman, he can dance alone, (the fourth finger moving Littleman, he can dance alone. (the fourth finger moving |
![]() BETTY BLUE Little Betty Blue Lost her holiday shoe; What shall little Betty do? Give her another To match the other And then she'll walk upon two. |
PETER PIPER Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers; A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked? AN EQUAL Read my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, What the king seldom sees, What we see every day. |
JENNY WREN As little Jenny Wren Was sitting by her shed. She waggled with her tail, And nodded with her head. She waggled with her tail, And nodded with her head, As little Jenny Wren Was sitting by the shed. |
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